Lirik Lagu Rohani You Were Born to be Loved
You Were Born to be Loved ( 당신은 사랑받기위해 태어난 사람 ) is Gospel song from Korea, sung by Lee Soo-young. And translated and sung by Yūka Matsumoto in Japanese.
As an answer to this song, there is 'I wish for another fruit', see at – Link.
당신은 사랑받기 위해 태어난 사람
You Were Born to be Loved Editor Notes
• Kim Tae Yeon ( Taeyeon ) are not the original artist for 'You Were Born To Be Loved' and didn't make an album for this song.• Lucinda Williams - Born To Be Loved are not the same music, but it seems copying some of lyrics.
You Were Born to be Loved Wikipedia Database
Written and composed by: Lee Min-seop (1997) - SourceKorean Title: 당신은 사랑받기위해 태어난 사람
Japanese Title: きみは愛されるため生まれた
English Title: You Were Born to be Loved
Composer: Lee Min-seop (Representative CCM) and Sung Kyung-wook (ordained minister)
Original KOREAN Artist by: Lee Soo-young
Album: Miracle (Lee Jae Hoon released the CCM album 'Miracle')
JAPANESE Artist & Album by: Yuuka Matsumoto 松本優香 / Matsumoto Yūka
Album: As Time Goes By (Another Fruit is Desired)
Released: 2005
Sequel or Part 2: Link
You Were Born to be Loved Chord
You Were Born to be Loved Original KoreanTangsi-neun sarang ba-tgi-wi-hae tae-o-nan saram Tangsi-neui sal-seo-ge-so keu sarang-bat-geo itji-yo Tangsi-neun sarang ba-tgi-wi-hae tae-o-nan saram Tangsi-neui sal-seo-ge-so keu sarang bat-geo itji-yo Tae-cheo-bu-to si-chak-dwen hana-ni-meui sarang-eun Uri-ui manna-meul teong-hae yol-mae-leul maet-geo Tangsi-ni i-se-sange cheon-je-hammeu-reo in-hae Uri-ge olmana keun kibbeu-mi twe-neun-ji Tangsi-neun sarang bat-gi-wi-hae tae-o-nan saram Chigeum-deo keu sarang bat-geo-itji-yo Tangsi-neun sarang bat-gi-wi-hae tae-o-nan saram Chigeum-deo keu sarang bat-geo-itji-yo Chigeum-deo keu sarang bat-geo-itji-yo
당신은 사랑받기 위해 태어난 사람 LYRICS
You Were Born to be Loved Lyrics
きみは愛されるため生まれた Lyrics
Tangsi-neun sarang ba-tgi-wi-hae tae-o-nan saram 당신은 사랑 받기위해 태어난 사람 You were born to be loved (you were born to be loved) kimi wa aisareru tame umareta きみは愛されるため生まれた 你是为爱而生 / 你知道吗 你是因上帝的爱而诞生 Tangsi-neui sal-seo-ge-so keu sarang-bat-geo itji-yo 당신의 삶속에서 그사랑받고 있지요 Within your life, you've been receiving His love (your life is filled with love) kimi no shougai wa ai de michite iru きみの生涯は愛で満ちている 在你的生命中,你已接受他的爱 ✿⊱╮ [2X] REFF: Tae-cheo-bu-to si-chak-dwen hana-ni-meui sarang-eun 태초부터 시작된 하나님의 사랑은 The love of God has began since creation (God's eternal love is shown ..) eien no kami no ai wa 永遠の神の愛は 在万物被创造的那一刻起上帝的爱就已存在 Uri-ui manna-meul teong-hae yol-mae-leul maet-geo 우리의 만남을 통해 열매를 맺고 And has connected with us through our fellowship (.. is shown through our relationships) warera no deai no naka de mio musubu われらの出会いの中で実を結ぶ 随著我们友谊的成熟 Tangsi-ni i-se-sange cheon-je-hammeu-reo in-hae 당신이 이 세상에 존재함으로 인해 Because of your existence in this world (your presence ..) kimi no sonzai ga きみの存在が 因为你在地球上的存在 Uri-ge olmana keun kibbeu-mi twe-neun-ji 우리에겐 얼마나 큰 기쁨이 되는지 We share this great joy among us (.. gives me such a great joy) watashi niwa dorehodo ookina yorokobi deshou 私にはどれほど大きな喜びでしょう 我们共度了快乐的时光 CHORUS: Tangsi-neun sarang bat-gi-wi-hae tae-o-nan saram 당신은 사랑받기 위해 태어난 사람 You were born to be loved (you were born to be loved) kimi wa aisareru tame umareta きみは愛されるため生まれた 你是因为上帝的爱而诞生 Chigeum-deo keu sarang bat-geo-itji-yo 지금도 그 사랑 받고 있지요 Even now you are receiving His great love (you're still receiving the love now) ima mo sono ai ukete iru 今もその愛受けている 尽管现在你已经得到了他伟大的爱 ✿⊱╮ [2X]
You Were Born to be Loved (Alternative)
きみは愛されるため生まれた kimi wa aisareru tame umareta (you were born to be loved) きみの生涯は愛で満ちている kimi no shougai wa ai de michite iru (your life is filled with love) 永遠の神の愛は われらの出会いの中で実を結ぶ eien no kami no ai wa warera no deai no naka de mio musubu (God's eternal love is shown through our relationships) きみの存在が 私にはどれほど大きな喜びでしょう kimi no sonzai ga watashi niwa dorehodo ookina yorokobi deshou (your presence gives me such a great joy) きみは愛されるため生まれた kimi wa aisareru tame umareta (you were born to be loved) 今もその愛受けている ima mo sono ai ukete iru (you're still receiving the love now)
Born to be Loved YouTube
Born to be Loved MP3
SOUNDCLOUD ᴴᴰCatatan: Download I Wish for Another Fruit – Matsumoto Yūka hanya sebagai sebuah review saja. Untuk mendapatkan lagu ini secara legal, belilah CD originalnya.
당신은 사랑받기 위해 태어난 사람 (You were born to be loved)
Korean Contemporary Christian Music
# Protestant churches in Korea # Most famous blessing in Korea # Protestant churches in Japan # Most famous blessing in Japan # Best Japanese church music # Best Korean church gospel
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